一、水培的发展概况 水培是指利用营养液向植物提供必需的营养元素,代替通常由土壤向植物提供营养的栽培方式。无土栽培是指利用惰性基质作为根系固定发育的基地,用营养液浇灌植株,以维护植物的生长与发育。因此这两者难以断然分开,一般统称为水培。 早在五十年代美国已经用水
First, the general development of hydroponic Hydroponics refers to the use of nutrient solution to provide essential nutrients to plants, instead of the soil from the plant to provide nutrition cultivation methods. Soilless culture refers to the use of inert substrate as the root of the fixed development base, with nutrient solution watering plants to maintain plant growth and development. Therefore, it is difficult to categorically separate the two, generally referred to as hydroponics. The United States already uses water as early as the 1950s