为你 为他 不为己 为国 为民 不为家

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今年50岁的赵素环,从1994年6月开始做司法助理员工作,是当时锦州地区农村第一个女司法助理员。10年来,她以做一个人民群众满意的司法助理员为宗旨,在本职工作岗位上勤奋工作,为了家乡的安宁,甘于奉献,与群众结下了深厚的友谊,乡亲们给她送的匾上写着“为你、为他、不为己,为国、为民、不为家”。至今,赵素环没有忘记那铭刻肺腑的惨烈一幕。几年前,白庙子乡刘户台村因承包荒地突发了一起轰动全市的特大灭门凶杀案。被害的4个家庭中,有3个家庭被毁灭,死亡的7人中,最小的才17个月。在警方全力侦破的同时,职业的敏感让赵素环立即警觉起来,凶手杀了这么多人,被害者的家族、朋友决不会善罢甘休,血债血偿定会酿成更大的惨案。赵素环立即赶到现场,耐心劝说被害人家属要依靠法律制裁凶手,千万不能搞报复。可是,被害者的亲属心灵创伤太深、太重。果然,事发第三天,被害人的尸体还没有火化,他们的亲属就去祭祖,想以暴制暴,用凶手和其家人的血来祭亡灵。几十人黑压压地站在坟前对天发誓,不报此仇,决不罢休!事态危急、一触即发!怎么办?她立即向乡领导作了详细汇报,经研究后,决定增派人员找被害者的家属,一户一户,一人一人地谈话,化解矛盾。她连续几个昼夜做工作,几乎没睡一个囫囵觉,没有好好吃一顿饭。被害者的亲属情绪激动, The 50-year-old Zhao Suhuan, who started to work as a judicial assistant in June 1994, was the first female judicial assistant in the rural area of ​​Jinzhou. In the past 10 years, she has been working hard as a judicial assistant who is satisfied with the people’s satisfaction with her own job. She has devoted her life to her hometown and has been devoting her soul to her dedication and has forged profound friendship with the masses. Writing “for you, for him, not for ourselves, for the country, for the people, not for the home.” So far, Zhao Suhuan did not forget the tragic scenes engraved in the heart. A few years ago, Liu Hutai Village, a white temple town, burst into a homicide case in the city due to the contract wasteland. Of the four families killed, three were destroyed and the youngest, seven, died in only 17 months. At the same time as the police cracked down completely, the sensitivity of the job immediately alerted Zhao Suhuan. The murderer killed so many people. The families and friends of the victims will never give up and the blood and blood will surely lead to even greater tragedies. Zhao Suhuan immediately rushed to the scene, patiently persuade the families of the victims to rely on the law to impose a murderer, must not retaliate. However, the victim’s relatives traumatized too deep and too heavy. Sure enough, on the third day of the incident, the bodies of the victims were not cremated. Their relatives went to worship the ancestors and wanted to use violence from the murderers and their families to sacrifice souls. Dozens of people stood under the grave before the grave to swear to heaven, not revenge, never give up! Critical situation, explosive! How to do? She immediately made a detailed report to the township leaders, after the study, decided to send additional personnel to find the victims Family members, one household, one person to talk to resolve conflicts. She worked continuously for several days and nights, almost did not sleep a sleepy, did not eat a good meal. Relatives of the victims emotionally excited,
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