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近几年来,西方对于十九世纪末到二十世纪初俄国的现代派艺术,即所谓“苏俄先锋派美术”表现出很大的兴趣、从1978年迄今,在美国、法国、西德、日本等国家的大型博物馆、美术馆,多次举办“苏俄先锋派美术”展览。1978年,西德杜塞尔多夫美术馆曾举办“苏俄先锋派美展”。翌年,美国奥克斯福德近代美术馆举办了“罗德钦柯艺术回顾展”。在展出这位构成主义艺术家作品的同时。还配合展出有关书刊和放映电影,举行讲演会等活动。1982年底,为纪念苏联十月革命六十五周年, In recent years, the West has shown great interest in the Russian modern art, the so-called “Soviet avant-garde art” from the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. From 1978 to the present, in the United States, France, West Germany, Japan Such as the country’s large museums, art galleries, held many times, “Soviet avant-garde art” exhibition. In 1978, the Dusseldorf Art Museum in West Germany organized the “Soviet avant-garde art exhibition.” The following year, the Oxfam Museum of Modern Art held the “Rodchenko Art Review Exhibition.” At the same time as the artwork of this constructivist artist is exhibited. Also with the display of relevant books and films, hold lectures and other activities. At the end of 1982, in commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the October Revolution in the Soviet Union,