90年代女性个人化写作原生态地展现了欲望时代当代女性的生存困境。作为一种新锐的女性叙事 ,个人化写作为女性写作的多元化提供了可能。个人化写作以其对当下现实的独特把握力、对传统爱情模式的解构以及对躯体语言的运用为叙事策略 ,表现了与主流叙事决裂的决心与勇气。然而忽略了积极建构的个人化写作未免合理性与误区并存 ,因而坚持文学个性成为个人化写作在世俗化商业时代保持生命活力的必要前提。
The personal writing of women in the 90s natively demonstrated the predicament of contemporary women in a desire age. As a cutting-edge female narrative, personal writing offers the possibility of diversifying women’s writing. Personalized writing with its unique grasp of the present reality, the deconstruction of the traditional model of love and the use of body language as a narrative strategy, demonstrated the determination and courage to break with the mainstream narrative. However, ignoring the positive construction of personalized writing is not unreasonable and misunderstanding coexist, so insisting that individuality of literature becomes the necessary prerequisite for personal writing to maintain vitality in the secular business era.