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翻译是中西文化沟通的主要媒介,典籍翻译是推动中华文化“走出去”的重要桥梁。纵观《离骚》英译百年发展轨迹,我们可以发现,中华典籍的对外传播效果受到译者群体、翻译策略、翻译改写、传播渠道等多重因素的影响。因此,在进一步推动中华文化“走出去”的过程中,必须在自译与他译、归化与异化、单向传播与多向传播等方面寻求平衡。 Translation is the main medium for the communication between Chinese and western cultures. The translation of books is an important bridge to promote Chinese culture. Looking at the centennial development of the English translation of Lisao, we can find that the effect of the spread of Chinese classics is influenced by multiple factors such as the translator’s group, translation strategy, translation and rewriting, and channels of communication. Therefore, we must find a balance between translation and translation, domestication and alienation, one-way communication and multi-direction communication in further promoting Chinese culture.