A Brief Discussion of English Grammatical Ambiguity

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  Abstract:Grammatical ambiguity is a kind of relation between structural form of the language and its meaning. This article pays attention to English grammatical ambiguity. We illustrate the phenomena of grammatical ambiguity ,then seek for the root of ambiguity according to the point of grammar and context .
  Key word: grammatical ambiguity the root of ambiguity
  Ambiguity is a common phenomenon in a natural language. It refers to a word or a sentence could have two or more interpretations.
  The Definition of Grammatical Ambiguity
  A sentence grammar structure has two kinds of or more kinds of above different explanations, can cause to two or more different meanings,. In English, this is quite a common phenomenon. Because of the word order of sentence, clause or phrase, it usually causes the different meanings. The Origin of Ambiguity
  Ambiguity is a common phenomenon in human languages. Ambiguity occurs in the formation and voice, vocabulary, syntax and other factors. Ambiguity can be divided into specific lexical ambiguity, structural interpretations, mean that discrepancy words such ambiguity, Ambiguity in terms of which the main causes of the word or phrase more than just more meanings. Ambiguity or syntactic ambiguity is the focus of this paper. If one is divorced from the specific language environment, it is difficult to avoid ambiguity. Because of ambiguity, understanding the puzzles of people will become a major obstacle to the process of communication. Therefore, a careful analysis and study on ambiguity can help us to promote English teaching, communication and translation and also have a great of significance. According to the above expression, there are some reasons as follows.
  It is the main reason that many English sentence structures are not strict. In daily conversation, we were able to clarify ambiguities according to the expression, gestures, tone, and etc. However, in the written language, it was not possible to make use of this additional information. That is the first reason.
  Part-of-speech nature of the English vocabulary is one of the reasons that causes the discrepancy. Example (1) My elder brother doesn’t writes very much. From this sentence, it is easy for us to find that the word “much” is ambiguous, it can be as the “Pronoun” (many large), and also can be classified as (often), for this, there are two different interpretations. a) My elder brother doesn’t write a very large amount. b) My elder brother doesn’t write very often.   Due to the difference grammar functions of the verb, some sentences have ambiguities. "have + past participate + Object" This structure has two interpretations.① Let others do something, “②Suffer something and experience something
  Ambiguity is caused by the usage of adjectives.
  Adjectives, one of main functions is that modified the noun. However, when it modifies two or more than two nouns, it is often difficult for us to distinguish, which words are modified.
  Because of the flexibility of some Adverb’s location , it will cause ambiguity.
  Because of the different functions of “Preposition Phrase”, it causes ambiguity.
  Wh -clauses often cause the ambiguous sentences .In English, we can see the structure of this sentence N+V+N+wh- Clause, Wh- clauses may be attributive clauses, may also be objects or adverbial clauses.
  English negation sentences usually cause the ambiguity.
  In a word, ambiguity is a very complex problem; we need to pay more attention. When we meet such ambiguous sentences, in addition to analysis of specific context, we should also have logical judgment. It must have wide knowledge of the language.
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  作者简介:张俊 (1984.10~),女,河南开封,开封文化艺术职业学院,助教,(2007级硕士)
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