盛夏是一年之中最为炎热的日子,也是鱼最不好钓的垂钓淡季。在此期间出钓欲取得成效,就必须在择天、择时、选点和用饵等几个方面下一番功夫。 择天:盛夏时节,一定要注意选择鱼儿较爱拿食的天气出钓。这样天气的特征是:①最高气温最好在30℃以下,并同时伴有二三级风(四级也行);②出钓当天有小阵雨或连续阴雨后的一两天。上述天气气压较高不发闷,水中溶氧量大,鱼儿较为活跃,喜欢摄食。 择时:渔谚讲:“夏钓两头”。就是说夏季(尤其是盛夏)垂钓,要钓一早一晚,即早上天刚一
Summer is the hottest day of the year, but also the fishing fishing season is the worst fishing. In the meantime, if you want to be successful in fishing, you have to make some efforts in selecting days, selecting time, selecting points, and using bait. Select the day: summer season, we must pay attention to select the fish to eat more weather fishing. The weather is characterized by: ① the highest temperature is best below 30 ℃, accompanied by two or three winds (four also line); ② fishing day showers or rainy days after a day or two. The above high pressure is not boring weather, dissolved oxygen in water, the fish are more active, like food. Choice of time: fishing proverbs say: “summer fishing two.” That summer (especially summer) fishing, to catch an early morning and one night, that is, just a day in the morning