著名的上海工人三次武装起义至今七十年了。 1926年9月至1927年3月,上海工人为配合北伐军的胜利进军,推翻北洋军阀的反动统治,在中国共产党的领导下在以陈独秀、罗亦农、汪寿华、周恩来、赵世炎、颜昌颐等组成的中共特委会组织实施下,相继举行了三次武装起义,掀起了气壮山河的反帝反封建运动,在中国工人运动史和中国革命史上写下极其辉煌的篇章。这辉煌篇章中的业绩,都在当时形成的大量的革命文献中记载着。这些革命文献历经战火,在白色恐怖中辗转,经过几代革命者用智慧热血和生命精心保护,得以完整地保存下来。它为我们今天及子孙后代详细真实地了解当年惊心动魄的斗争,提供了原始的记录。从这些文献中我们看到当年周恩
The famous Shanghai workers have armed with three armed uprisings for seventy years. From September 1926 to March 1927, in order to cooperate with the victory of the Northern Expedition Army, the Shanghai workers overthrow the reactionary rule of the Northern Warlords and under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, they formed a series of activities under the leadership of the CPC, including Chen Duxiu, Luo Yimong, Wang Shouhua, Zhou Enlai, Zhao Shiyan and Yan Changyi Under the organization and implementation of the special committee, three armed uprisings were held one after another, setting off an all-powerful anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement and sending an extremely brilliant chapter in the history of Chinese worker’s movement and the history of Chinese revolution. The achievements in this brilliant chapter were recorded in a great deal of revolutionary literature that was then formed. These revolutionary documents, which have gone through war and disappeared in the horror of whiteness, have been preserved intact after generations of revolutionaries have been carefully protected by wisdom, blood and life. It provides us with original records of the thrilling struggles of our time and future generations in detail and in real terms. From these documents we can see Zhou En