Beddington: A Model Of "Zero Energy Development"(BedZED)

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  The Beddington eco-village is located in South London and is among the first batch of eco-villages in UK. Now, about 250 people live in its 100 flats and houses. Its name “BedZED” is an abbreviation of Beddington Zero Energy Development. The designer aims to make BedZED the first complete eco-village in UK and create a sustainable living environment in the city by saving as much energy as possible.
  The colorful funnel-shaped architectures in BedZED are not only pleasing to the eyes but also constitute a very important link in the whole development project. Bill Dunster, the architect of BedZED eco-village, said, these colorful funnel-shaped buildings are the natural ventilating chimneys driven by wind. While one chimney emits the exhaust air out of the room, another chimney inhales the fresh air into the room. And with the aid of other high-tech facilities, the room can be maintained at a comfortable temperature during the four seasons all year round.
  What is more, it doesn’t have any central heating system using natural gas. The 50 centimeter-thick walls are made of hulk cement blocks with huge amount of rock wool inside, which not only ensure high insulation, but also retain the heat it absorbed for five days. If a house is vacant for a period and the temperature slumps fast, the automatic constant temperature facility will start the back-up trickle-down heat resource, which can maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. Each south facing conservatory is equipped with solar panels to ensure a comfortable temperature in winter. To absorb maximal heat, all the warm rooms facing sun are equipped with triple glazing with sunlight recovering thin films of maximal heat absorption, so the room can enjoy the spring temperature all the year round without any natural gas central heating .
  The electricity in the eco-village comes from wood waste. The main reason for the non-pollution impact of BedZED is the heat combination power plant, which uses wood waste to generate power. Rainwater constitutes the main source of water, which enters into the water reservoir after being filtered in the automatic purification filter. Residents can get water with water pumps to clean toilets and irrigate woods and parks. The building material of BedZED is sustainable. All rooms have fridges, conditioning equipment and cooking utensils with lowest-impact. Besides, the entire village uses low-consumption electric lamps and low-voltage showers which can minimize the using of water.
  People in BedZED only use renewable energies like solar energy and electro-mobiles to protect ecology, improve energy efficiency and lower the emission of sewage and waste. It also emphasizes the designing of energy efficiency. All these technologies take the lead in the world now. The designer combines the three major elements of life--sunlight, air and water--with the modern artificial architecture to effectively revive the lively ecological dialogue between human and nature.
2007年11月30日至12月1日,2007中国国际人才交流大会在深圳成功举办。大会突出“国际化、高端化、专业化、精品化”,在保持外国专家组织展区、出国(境)培训机构展区和引智成果展区等3个传统板块之外,结合深圳的实际加以创新,增添了包括国际人才高峰论坛、海外留学人员、国际教育与培训人才、管理咨询与国际资质证书、高级人才招聘会等5个新的板块。  国务委员兼国务院秘书长华建敏出席开幕式并致辞,国家外
近年来,山东省蓬莱市人事局始终把引进国外智力作为服务经济建设的一项重要工作来抓,在项目申报、执行和评估中严格把关,积极帮助企业引进国外智力,解决生产中存在的高端疑难技术问题。目前,先后从日本、荷兰、德国等国家引进园林绿化、果树栽培、葡萄酒等方面著名专家150多人次,引进新技术、新品种130多个,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。  严把项目申报关。为使引智工作取得最佳效益,达到事半功倍的效果,该局对
日前,河南省2008年度引进国外人才项目评审会在郑州召开,来自河南省农业厅、科技厅、环保局、科学院、郑州大学、华北水利学院等单位的14名专家对全省各地申报的2008年度引进国外人才项目进行了评审。  近两年来,随着引智项目数量的逐年增加,为进一步提高项目的实施质量,科学、合理地编制年度引智项目计划,河南省外专局加大了对引智项目的筛选和评审工作,每年都召开引进国外人才项目评审会,聘请各行业知名专家对
5年前,当我和前任美中关系全国委员会(以下简称“委员会”)会长约翰·赫顿(何立强)先生见面交谈时,恰逢美国总统布什来华访问和中美上海联合公报发表30周年纪念的日子;而不久前当我和现任美中关系全国委员会会长斯蒂文·欧伦斯先生坐在一起的时候,电视新闻正在滚动播放着中共十七大开幕的消息。一再有如此重要的事件做背景,是历史在不经意间出现的巧合。    他的一生有许多与中国相关的巧合    说到巧合,欧伦斯
日前,记者在首届中国-中东欧国家高级别智库研讨会上有幸见到了这位为民众福祉奔走一生的杰出政治家。眼前的斯特约潘·梅西奇,精神矍铄,思路清晰,举手投足间无不透露出其睿智而坚忍的品性,令人很难相信他竟已年近80岁高龄。  从法律界走出的政坛精英  1934年12月24日,斯特约潘·梅西奇于克罗地亚东部城镇——奥拉霍维察出生。1961年,于萨格勒布大学法律系毕业后的他开始从事律师工作。随后,他还担任过企
“美国每年至少有200万人感染耐药菌,其中2.3万人死亡。感染导致250亿美元(1美元约合人民币6元)的医疗支出和350亿生产损失。”——《美国2013年抗生素耐药威胁》  “如果我们现在不采取行动,我们的药柜子就将空空如也,我们也拿不出挽救生命所需的抗生素。”——美国疾病控制和预防中心主任汤姆·弗里登  在中国,每年因细菌耐药而导致约50万人死亡。
曾经的奇迹  抗生素,曾帮助人类战胜无坚不摧的细菌,被认为是人类的奇迹。根据百度百科的解释:“抗生素主要是由细菌、霉菌或其他微生物产生的次级代谢产物或人工合成的类似物。”其主要治疗因细菌感染或微生物感染类疾病,通常情况下不会对其宿主产生明显影响。  禽畜和人一样,需要蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物微量元素等营养物质才能生长。只有将这些营养物质添加到饲料中,他们才能健康成长。据记者了解,各国允许的饲料添加剂有
贝丁顿生态村位于伦敦南部,该小区是英国首批生态村项目,现约有250人居住在该生态村的100套公寓和住房内。贝丁顿生态村的名字“BedZED”是“零能耗开发”的缩写,设计者的理想是尽可能多地节省能源,使其成为英国首个完整的生态村,在城市中创造一个可持续的生活环境。  在BedZED,五颜六色的漏斗形状建筑不仅漂亮,而且是整个开发项目至关重要的一个环节。设计BedZED生态村的建筑师比尔·杜斯特说:“
《海豚湾》揭露残酷的杀戮  每年9月到次年3月,成千上万条海豚会聚集在太地町附近的水域,享用这里丰富的鱼类资源。而当地渔民却将此视为捕捉海豚的良机,成群结队驾船接近海豚群,来猎杀这些可爱的生灵。  太地町之所以会引起关注,其捕杀海豚之事会被揭露,是因为海豚训练家理查德·奥巴瑞及其团队一起拍摄的纪录片《海豚湾》的公映。10年前,理查德·奥巴瑞偶然发现了太地町的“秘密”,漫长的反太地町海豚捕杀行动便由