N_(503)是国产的酰胺类萃取剂.它在有色和稀有金属萃取分离上得到了日益广泛的应用 ̄[1~3].本文研究N_(503)从H_2SO_4-NaCl、H_2SO_4-NaBr、H_2SO_4-KI三个体系中萃取铋的规律,探索萃取能力与水相络阴离子BiCl ̄-_4、BiBr ̄-_4和BiI ̄-_4稳定性的关系.研究了水相酸度和Cl ̄-、Br ̄-、I ̄-浓度对N_(503)萃取铋的影响,取得了较好的结果,不仅对有色和稀有金属的萃取分离有重要的实际意义,而且对萃取化学理论也有一定的价值.
N_ (503) is a domestic amide extractant. It has been increasingly used in the separation of colored and rare metal extraction [1-3]. In this paper, we studied the regularity of N_ (503) extraction of bismuth from three systems of H_2SO_4-NaCl, H_2SO_4-NaBr and H_2SO_4-KI and explored the relationship between extraction ability and the stability of BiCl_-_4, BiBr_-_4 and BiI_ -_4 Sexual relations. The effects of aqueous acidity and Cl ~ -, Br ~ - and I ~ ~ concentrations on the extraction of bismuth by N_ (503) were studied. The results obtained were not only of great practical significance for the extraction and separation of colored and rare metals, But also has certain value to the theory of extraction chemistry.