随着“金融卫士”一天天增多,银行的资金安全成为令人堪忧的社会问题。近日又频频传来金融职工为捍卫国家资产洒热血、献生命的报道。一方面,这是金融界的骄傲,另一方面,这又是金融界的悲剧。敬佩之余,您能否感受到悲壮背后的遗憾,英雄们的创伤、家属们的痛苦、又有谁替他们分担、化解? 我无意指责任何人对待英雄的不公,而是感到英雄的鲜血和生命似乎失去了自身的价值。试想,英雄死去后可以拿出几万元来奖励,为什么不能把这些钱用来作为安全保卫的硬件投入而代替英雄们的血肉之躯御防歹徒呢?
With the increasing number of “financial guards”, the financial security of banks has become a worrying social issue. Recently, financial workers frequently sent reports of life and blood spree for safeguarding state assets. On the one hand, this is the pride of the financial community. On the other hand, it is another tragedy of the financial community. In admiration, can you feel the regret behind the tragedy, the trauma of the heroes, the pain of the family members, and who share and resolve them for them? I do not mean to accuse anyone of treating the injustice of the hero, but feel the blood of heroes and Life seems to have lost its value. Imagine, after the hero died to come up with tens of thousands of dollars to reward, why can not these money used as security hardware investment and replace the heroes of the flesh and blood defensive gang?