小学中的幼儿班 在正式入学以前,儿童可进入小学中的幼儿班。幼儿班分大班(5岁)和小班(4岁)两个部分,每天上课3个半到5个小时,从上午9点到12点半或到下午2点,具体情况视孩子的年龄而定。每个班平均有35个儿童和一位教师,孩子们平时来不来上课是自由的。这些幼儿班隶属于教育部,由国家资助,却由教会管理。因为大部分的爱尔兰人是天主教徒。近年来,要求建立非教会学校的呼声也日见增高。
Kindergarten classes in primary schools Before formal schooling, children can enter kindergarten classes in primary schools. Nursery classes are divided into two classes: the eldest (5 years old) and the small (4 years old) classes, three to half to five hours a day, from 9 am to 12:30 or until 2 pm, depending on the child’s age . Each class has an average of 35 children and a teacher, and children are usually free to attend classes. These preschool classes belong to the Ministry of Education and are funded by the state but governed by the Church. Because most Irish people are Catholics. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for the establishment of non-church schools.