Multistatic radar analysis based on ambiguity function and Cramér-Rao lower bounds

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoml0000
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The primary goal of this work is to characterize the impact of weighting selection strategy and multistatic geometry on the multistatic radar performance.With the relationship between the multistatic ambiguity function(AF) and the multistatic Cramér-Rao lower bound(CRLB),the problem of calculating the multistatic AF and the multistatic CRLB as a performance metric for multistatic radar system is studied.Exactly,based on the proper selection of the system parameters,the multistatic radar performance can be significantly improved.The simulation results illustrate that the multistatic AF and the multistatic CRLB can serve as guidelines for future multistatic fusion rule development and multistatic radars deployment. The primary goal of this work is to characterize the impact of weighting selection strategy and multistatic geometry on the multistatic radar performance. The relationship between the multistatic ambiguity function (AF) and the multistatic Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB), the problem of calculating the multistatic AF and the multistatic CRLB as a performance metric for multistatic radar system is studied. Exactly, based on the proper selection of the system parameters, the multistatic radar performance can be significantly improved. The simulation results illustrate that the multistatic AF and the multistatic CRLB can serve as guidelines for future multistatic fusion rule development and multistatic radars deployment.
本文介绍的是文献[1]的第二轮研制工作,包括:①用射频溅射非晶态NiSiB薄膜应变片的制备新工艺;②敏感弹性元件的设计;③薄膜压力传感器的构造与性能。 虽然,NiCrMe合金、Ta_
叫我“老女人”的小妖精  电话里,谭飞常跟我提起江小狼,他说此人不但有趣,就连做的菜都好吃得让人受不了。我对着话筒酸溜溜地嚷:“江小狼是谁,你该不会喜欢上人家了吧?”  谭飞笑道:“有哪个女孩子会叫这么难听的名字,江小狼是我们隔壁饭店的厨师,人家可是如假包换的帅哥呢。”我打着哈哈说:“我还是得提醒你,别吃着碗里的惦着锅里的。”  不是我多虑,实在是谭飞这家伙太有女人缘。他长得高大帅气,总会有些小姑