我省大豆生产亟待发展赵玉庭(四川省农牧厅 成都 610041)近年来,由于大豆生产滑坡,产需矛盾日益突出.1989—1993年五年平均,全省大豆年均播种面积279.4万亩,总产31.3万吨,亩产112公斤,比1984—1988年均播种面积减少10.6...
Soybean production needs urgent development in our province Zhao Yuting (Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Husbandry in Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610041) In recent years, due to the decline of soybean production, the contradiction between production and demand has become increasingly prominent. 1989-1993 average of five years, the province’s annual soybean sown area of 279.4 million mu, with a total output of 313,000 tons, 112 kg per mu, down from 1984-1988 average sown area of 10.6 ...