问:希望能谈谈蛇绿岩的有关问题。首先,请解释一下什么叫蛇绿岩? 答:蛇绿岩是英文“Ophiolite”的译名,“Ophi”是希腊词根,意思是“蛇”。1827年,布朗尼特(Brongniart)最先用“Ophiolite”来描述蛇纹岩,因为蛇纹岩外表呈浅绿色,油脂光泽,特别是两组剪切裂隙构成菱形格子,看起来很象蛇皮纹状。本世纪初,施泰因曼(Steinmann)研究了阿尔卑斯造山带,发现那里蛇纹石化超镁铁岩、细碧岩和燧石岩往往相伴产出,于是他把这一套岩石称为“蛇绿岩套”(Ophiolite suite)。
Q: I hope I can talk about opal related issues. First of all, please explain what is called ophiolite? A: ophiolite is the English translation of “Ophiolite”, “Ophi” is the Greek root, meaning “snake”. In 1827, Brongniart first described the serpentinite as “Ophiolite,” because the serpentinite looks pale green and greasy, and in particular, two groups of shear fractures form a diamond lattice that looks like a snake skin Striped. At the beginning of this century, Steinmann studied the alpine orogenic belt and found that the serpentinized ultramafic rocks, small boulders and chert rocks often accompany it, so he called this set of rocks " Ophiolite suite.