听说楚雄市鹿城镇万家坝村党支部抓党建促经济工作开展得好,我们驱车来到市南郊的万家坝。村党支部书记兼村委会主任朱华荣明白我们的采访意图后,兴致勃勃地说:“有一个坚强的村党支部,才有群众的主心骨,才能切实调动农民的积极性,确保增收致富。” 万家坝所辖的八个自然村,地处楚雄市城边,属典型的城郊结合村落。发展经济,有离中心城市近的区位优势,也有各种社会矛盾集中等因素的制约。万家
I heard that the town of Chuxiong Lujiawan million village party branch party building to promote economic work well, we drove to the southern suburbs of Wanjiaba. Zhu Huarong, secretary of the village party branch and director of the village committee, understood our intention of the interview and said happily: “Only with a strong party branch in the village can the masses have the main force in mobilizing the enthusiasm of the peasants and ensuring a rich and prosperous population.” "Wanjiaba under the jurisdiction of the eight villages, is located in the city of Chuxiong, a typical suburban village. Economic development, from the central city near the location advantages, but also a variety of social conflicts and other factors. Wanjia