Gas Sensitivity of In0.3Ga0.7As Surface QDs Coupled to Multilayer Buried QDs
【机 构】
【出 处】
求出高阶Hirota方程在可积条件下的一种精确呼吸子解, 并在解的基础上得到Hirota方程的一种怪波解。 从怪波解的形式和图形中深刻认识到怪波的两个特征——时空局域性和高能量特点, 认识到怪波产生的物理机制——平面波和其他波的叠加。利用分布傅立叶方法数值研究了怪波在考虑自频移和拉曼增益时的传输特性, 自频移使怪波中心发生偏移, 拉曼增益使怪波分裂得更快;数值模拟了怪波之间的相互作用特点——随着怪波之间距离的减小, 怪波将合二为一, 成为一束怪波, 之后再分裂, 并分析了拉曼增益和自频移对怪波相互作用的影
We demonstrate a photonic band gap (PBG) from one-dimensional (1D) periodic structures created by a double-layer unit cell with an air layer and an anisotropic nonmagnetic left-handed metamaterial (LHM) layer whose permittivity elements are partially nega
We propose a novel non-contact rotational sensor based on a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) packaged in a core of a magnetic head, which converts the introduced strain from the circular magnetic railings ruler into the rotational information. A mathematical mod
传统的接触式测量满足不了批量生产的快速响应,典型的结构光法和基于近景摄影测量的非接触测量方法,在三坐标测量与三坐标解算过程中人工参与多,且应用限制条件多。利用1D激光位移传感器、伺服坐标控制器和运动减震补偿设备,研制了一种三坐标非接触外形尺寸测量系统,能够实现快速三维成像,自动获取工件表面密集三维点云。激光位移传感器安装在z轴上,并与xoy平面垂直。通过严格的系统检校和滤波,控制与补偿测量误差,快速自动全面检测工件质量。实验结果表明,系统单点测量精度优于10 μm,平均测量精度优于20 μm,可满足工件检
Flat-top optical frequency comb generation based on optical fiber-loop modulation with external inje
An optical frequency comb generation scheme using time-to-frequency conversion and optical fiber-loop modulation is proposed and demonstrated experimentally. Flat-top optical pulse train from an intensity modulator is injected into a fiber loop, which inc