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按中医学小儿“痰热壅肺证”辨证论治原则,将324例咳喘患儿随机分为中药治疗组209例,采用以麻杏石甘汤为主方分别强化清热、化痰、理气之口服液治疗;及西药对照组115例,采用抗生素治疗。并检测部分患儿治疗前后的T-淋巴细胞亚群及血浆干扰素水平的变化。结果显示:中、西两组治愈率分别为92.34%和87.83%,两组有效率为100%,中药组在缩短疗程、止咳、化痰、平喘、肺部体征改善方面均优于西药组。实验结果证明该方具有调整患儿T-淋巴细胞亚群,诱生干扰素的作用。 According to the principle of treating phlegm and phlegm-heat syndrome of lungs syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine, 324 children with cough and asthma were randomly divided into two groups: 209 cases treated with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), with Maxingshigan Decoction as the main prescription to strengthen the heat-clearing, phlegm-resolving and qi- Liquid treatment; and western medicine control group of 115 cases, the use of antibiotics. The levels of T-lymphocyte subsets and plasma interferon in children before and after treatment were also measured. The results showed that the cure rates of Chinese and Western groups were 92.34% and 87.83%, respectively, and the effective rates of the two groups were 100%. The traditional Chinese medicine group was able to reduce the course of treatment, cough, phlegm, asthma and lung signs Better than Western medicine group. Experimental results show that the party has to adjust the T-lymphocyte subsets in children, induced by interferon.
洛阳石油化工总厂主要节能设施之一——— 2 0dam3 卷帘型干式气柜日前建成投入运行。该气柜由北京钢铁设计研究总院建筑设计院和洛阳石油化工总厂设计院共同设计 ,总投资 9.86
Triphenyltin thiazole-2-carboxylate (1) and triphenyltin 3-pyridinylcarboxylate (2) were synthesized by the reaction of sodium thiazole-2-carboxylate or sodium
在油库的管理工作中,大多数客户反映的计量问题都集中在进货后发第一船油的时候。船方总是反映油库交运数不准,有时管线里有水,有时管线里有空气。这是什么原因呢? In the
Abinitio,intermolecularpotential,PES 731Abinitio,thermodynamicproperties,nitroaminedimer,intermolec ularinteraction 2 2 7Abinitio,thermo Abinitio, intermolecular potential, PES 731 A binitio, thermodynamic properties, nitroaminedimer, intermolec ularinte
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一、怎样排除气压式制动系制动不灵? 此故障的表现是:车辆制动时,车速不能很快降低,制动距离增长,甚至刹不住车。产生这一故障的原因: 1.贮气筒气压不足。气压不足的具体原