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随着清末司法改革的不断深入,继清廷对法官选拔之后,提法使衙门的人员安排开始备受关注,并最终以招考的方式确定下来。直隶是在清末司法改革中效果较好的一个省份。对其他各省产生了示范效应和启示意义。以直隶为中心进行考察能够透视这次招考的全局和整个进程。此次招考体现了提法使对人员考选的重视,也是清廷对促使中国司法走向专业化、贵族化、精英化的一种尝试。但亦有组织无序、监管缺位和失语、单纯事后监督等问题存在。招考透视了清末的法制改革,既有把帝国改造成西方式的现代国家意图,又有对旧体制的一种留恋,两种情结在国家危亡的关口措乱交织、难以割舍,反映了转型和过渡时期的决策者在抉择面前的复杂心态,也反映了从一个封建性的王朝转变为一个现代国家,绝不可能一蹴而就,而是需要经历一个漫长的过程。但这毕竟是中国司法机关人事改革的一种尝试,代表和推动了历史发展的新趋势和潮流。 With the continuous deepening of judicial reform in the late Qing Dynasty, following the Qing court's selection of judges, the formulation of the Yamen's personnel arrangements began to attract much attention and was eventually confirmed through the recruitment examination. Zhili was a province that had a better effect in judicial reform in the late Qing Dynasty. The other provinces have a demonstration effect and enlightenment significance. Taking Zhili as the center, we can see the whole situation and the whole process of this recruitment examination. The recruitment examination reflects the formulation of the emphasis on the examination of candidates and is also an attempt of the Qing court to promote the specialization, aristocracy and elitism of Chinese judiciary. However, there are also problems such as disorderly organization, absence of supervision and aphasia, and simple post-supervision. Through examining and examining the legal system reform in the late Qing Dynasty, we not only have the intent to transform the empire into a western-style modern state, but also have a nostalgia for the old system. The two complexities are intertwined in the border of the country's state of affairs and difficult to break away from each other, reflecting the transformation and The complex mentality of decision-makers in transition during the transition period also reflects that the transition from a feudal dynasty to a modern one can never be accomplished in one move, but takes a long time to go through. However, after all, this is an attempt by personnel reform in the judiciary in China to represent and promote the new trends and trends in historical development.
800米的高空,常人往下一看都会头晕,而海军陆战队某旅的10名小女兵不仅做到了,而且圆满完成海军女兵首次跳伞训练。她们之中有3个列兵、6个上等兵,大多入伍不超过2年……  蓝天白云间,只见黑黑的小点从直升机尾部鱼贯而出,顷刻间,空中绽放出一朵朵洁白的伞花,如同丝带般徐徐落下……7月中旬,粤西某濒海地域,旭日初升。随着两枚信号弹划破天空,海军陆战队某旅首次参加跳伞的10名女陆战队员快步登上直升机,开
潜艇,以其独特的隐蔽性和强大的攻击能力,成为茫茫大海中的“神秘杀手”,战略导弹核潜艇更是以无限的续航力和核威慑力,被誉为“水下杀手锏”。在美丽的黄海之滨青岛坐落着一所军校——海军潜艇学院,其成立60年来,为我国潜艇战斗力的形成和发展,发挥了不可或缺的作用。  翻开这所学院的学子风采录可以看到:近10万名潜艇和防救指挥军官与专业技术人才从这里走向万里海疆,90多人成长为共和国将军,300多人走上师级
换一种视角解读一代战将彭雪枫,或许能更真实地触摸一个铁血英雄的灵魂脉动。那串戛然而止的生命足迹,笃实而鲜亮地深烙在他为之眷恋与奋斗的土地上,留下直贯苍穹、千年回响的悲壮跫音。 ——题记  1941年9月9日的晌午,浩瀚的洪泽湖波光潋滟。两匹枣红马恬静地在蜿蜒的石工堤下吃着嫩草,堤上垂柳如织,一身戎装的彭雪枫与身着军裤白褂的林颖缓步而行。蓦地,彭雪枫驻足侧身,取出一本《斯大林传》递给林颖,语带局促地