右膀一阵痉挛把我又一次从沉睡中痛醒,我一面揉搓右膀,一面又甜滋滋地回忆着昨天与大青鱼搏斗的场面。 2004年9月5日下午,我和周卫家、韩超、谢德胜、刘虎等人再次来到明光市东郊10公里处的石坝水库钓鱼。千顷碧波在阳光照射下闪着粼光,对岸伸出的半岛,把水面顶成一个很大的凹形。在最窄的地方,我用玉米打了3个大窝,又回到大坝整理钓具。大坝很长,有3公里,一眼看不到尽头,全部用石块砌成。此库从1958年建库至今一直以水产养殖为主,是远近闻名的大鱼库。
Spasm on the right shoulder took me to wake up from the slumber once more, and while I rubbed my right shoulder, I recalled the scene of yesterday fighting against the big black fish. On the afternoon of September 5, 2004, I and Zhou Weijia, Han Chao, Xie Desheng, Liu Hu and others once again came to the Shibu reservoir 10 kilometers east of the city of Mingguang for fishing. A thousand hectares of blue sky shining in the sun shining, the other side of the peninsula, the top of the water into a large concave. In the narrowest area, I hit 3 large bales of corn and went back to the dam to finish fishing tackles. The dam is very long, 3 km, one can not see the end, all with stones. Since its establishment in 1958, the library has been dominated by aquaculture and is a well-known large fish bank.