广东省委书记李长春在前不久召开的省八次党代会上的报告中,将可持续发展列为广东省今后三大发展战略之一。作为广东唯一的海岛县南澳,如何认识自己和增创优势?在可持续发展这篇大文章中有何新思路? 6月12日,我们专程采访了该县县委书记张泽华。 “建港口、搞旅游和发展水产养殖,是我们要着力抓好的可持续发
Li Changchun, secretary of the Guangdong provincial party committee, held a report at the provincial party congress held recently in the province that listed sustainable development as one of the three major development strategies of Guangdong Province in the future. As the only island county in Guangdong, how do you know yourself and create advantages? What’s new thinking in the big article of sustainable development? On June 12, we made a special interview with Zhang Zehua, the county party secretary. "Building a port, engaging in tourism and aquaculture is a sustainable development we must focus on