某厂工业废水向湘江排放后,发现江中有鱼死亡,经分析死因是废水中铵离子所致。为了解铵对鱼的危害,我们用不同浓度铵溶液对白鲢卵的受精、孵化、仔鱼和鱼苗的毒性进行了检测,结果如下: 鱼卵、仔鱼和鱼苗采自某鱼场孵化室,实验前放养3天。
A factory industrial wastewater discharged to the Xiangjiang River, found in the river fish died, after analysis of the cause of death caused by ammonium ions in the wastewater. In order to understand the harm of ammonium to fish, we tested the fertilization, hatching, the toxicity of larvae and fry by using different concentrations of ammonium solution. The results are as follows: The eggs, larvae and fry were collected from the hatchery of a fish farm. Before the experiment Stocked for 3 days.