An Academic Summary of the International Seminar Series on “Safeguarding the Right to Life in the Ep

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Guided by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and organized by Southwest University of Political Science and Law, the First Session of the Series of International Seminars on “Global Epidemic Prevention and Control and Human Rights Protection” was held in Chongqing on May 9, 2020. The seminar featured the theme of“Guarantee of the Right to Life in Epidemic Prevention and Control”and two sub-topics: “Value Status and Legal Protection of the Right to Life” and “Safeguarding the Right to Life of Vulnerable Groups under the Pandemic”. Over 40 experts and scholars from China, the Neth-erlands, France, Pakistan and Sri Lanka attended the conference, and conducted in-depth discussions on specific issues such as “life suprem-acy”, “attributes of the right to life”, “government responsibilities”,“protection of vulnerable groups”, “balance of the right to life and other human rights”, and “science-based approaches to epidemic pre-vention”. This conference reaffirmed the key idea of “life supremacy”, which is conducive to strengthening the safeguarding of and attention to the right to life in the global pandemic prevention and control.
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