用毛泽东思想武装设计队伍 全国设计工作会议提出设计革命的五项任务

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新华社四月九日讯进行了五个多月的设计革命运动已经取得了什么成果,今后运动中还要解决些什么问题?国家基本建设委员会最近召开的全国设计工作会议对此作了总结和研究。会议提供的大量材料表明,经过五个多月的设计革命,我国设计工作战线上已经出现了前所未有的大好形势。广大设计人员中,无论青年设计人员或老一辈的专家,都积极投入了这场革命,自觉检查和批判了设计思想、设计方法上的主观主义、教条主义和资产阶级个人主义思想,提出了许多改进设计工作的积极建议。由于广大设计人员政治觉悟和政策水平的提高,设计工作战线上正在形成一种革命化的新作风。几个月来,成千上万的设计人员纷纷下楼出院,到现场中去,到群众中去,进行调查研究和现场设计,工作效率大大提高。据统计,北京地区下楼出院、深入实际的设计人员就有一万多人。一机部第一设计院去年十一月到今年二月底完成的设计任务,相当于一九六三年全年任务的百分之九十以上。不少单位已经把设计思想革命的成果运用到设计工作中去。有的单位在运动期间就做出了一批正确体现党的方针政策、技术上先进、经济上合理、符合多快好省要求的好设计。还有更多的设计单位按照边整边改的精神,对一些正在施工或尚未施工的不合理的设计作了修改。修改后的设计,由于实行了专业化和协作,采用了合理的工艺流程,并适当降低了辅助工程和非生产性建 Xinhua News Agency reported on April 9th ​​that what has been achieved in the design revolutionary movement for more than five months, and what problems will be solved in the future campaign? The National Design Committee’s recently held national design work conference summarized this and the study. The large number of materials provided at the meeting showed that after more than five months of design revolution, an unprecedentedly favorable situation has emerged on the design work front in China. Among the designers, no matter whether the young designers or the experts of the older generation have actively participated in this revolution, they consciously inspected and criticized the thoughts of design, the subjectivism of design methods, dogmatism, and bourgeois individualism. Many positive suggestions for improving design work. Due to the political awareness and the improvement of the policy level of the vast number of designers, a revolutionary new style of work is being formed on the design work front. In the past few months, thousands of designers have gone downstairs and discharged from the hospital. They went to the scene and went to the masses to carry out investigations and studies and design on the spot. The work efficiency has been greatly improved. According to statistics, there are more than 10,000 people in the Beijing area who went downstairs and went out to the actual designers. The design task completed by the First Design Institute of the First Department of Design from November last year to the end of February this year is equivalent to more than 90% of the tasks for the entire year of 1963. Many units have applied the results of the design-ideological revolution to design work. Some units have made a number of good designs during the movement that correctly reflected the Party’s principles and policies, advanced technology, economical rationality, and compliance with the requirements of many provinces. There are also more design units who have made changes to unreasonable designs that are under construction or have not yet been constructed, in accordance with the spirit of reform. The revised design, due to the implementation of specialization and collaboration, adopts a reasonable process flow, and appropriately reduces the number of auxiliary projects and non-productive constructions.
重庆建设机床厂全体职工,由于热烈响应党的八届 八中全会的战斗号召,反透了右倾,鼓足了干劲,轰轰烈烈地开展了“巧裁缝”、“千分钟”(一人一天干—千分的活路)、“千台时”
经过和收获 我们车间是一个白手起家,土法上马搞起来的耐火 材料车间。发展很快,生产任务也很重。我组做干操工 序的工作,每天进出砖坯上万块,品种规格多到100多 种。如何管
美国原子能委员会已公布了它的1959年的财政年度报告。报告中谈到关于反应堆运转、装置和设备以及十年财政情况的总结。 在总结报告中原子能委员会宣称: 1959年委员会发给所
在60年代的第一个新春,在一片开門紅的捷报声中,全国建筑工程厅局長扩大会議于2月10日在北京开幕,至2月28日胜利閉幕。 这次会議是在全国建筑工业战綫上提前超額完成了1959