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“六法”是中国古代美术品评的标准和重要的美学原则,它最早出现在南齐谢赫的著作《古画品录》中。谢赫是南齐宫廷画家和绘画理论家,他在《古画品录》中总结和发展了前代绘画在法则上的理论认识,提出艺术创作之“六法”:气韵生动、骨法用笔、应物象形、随类赋彩、经营位置、传移模写。六法论提出了一个初步完备的绘画理论的体系框架,从表现对象的内在精神、表达画家对客体的情感,到用笔刻画对象的外形、结构和色彩,都做了概括。当代的油画写生创作,在某种程度上注重意念的表达,注重主观处理和表现。但我认为,在油画风景写生当中运用“六法”理论所揭示的审美规律和原则,应该能达到事半功倍的效果。 “Six Methods ” is the standard and important aesthetic principle of ancient Chinese art criticism. It first appeared in the book “Ancient Pictorial Catalog” of Nancy Sheikh. Sheikh, a court painter and a theorist of painting in Nan Qi, summed up and developed the theoretical understanding of the law of the previous generation of paintings in the book “Ancient Paintings” and put forward the “six methods” of artistic creation: vivid style, , Should be pictographic, with the class color, business location, transfer mode write. The six-law theory proposes a preliminary and complete framework of the painting theory, ranging from expressing the inner spirit of the object, expressing the artist’s emotions to the object to using the pen to depict the shape, structure and color of the object. Contemporary painting sketch creation, to a certain extent, pay attention to the expression of ideas, pay attention to subjective treatment and performance. However, I think that the application of the “aesthetic principles and principles” as revealed in the “six-legged theory” in painting sketches should achieve a multiplier effect.
1986年出生的吕锐,是一个心灵手巧的南京姑娘。钟情大自然的她喜欢侍弄花草,家中的阳台被她打造成了绿意盎然、馨香袭人的私家花园。2008年,吕锐赴法国留学时认识了现在的丈夫——一名在巴黎进修园林景观设计专业的江苏小伙。两年后回到南京,两人携手步入了婚姻殿堂,吕锐在一家公司做设计师。  追寻绿色梦想,辞职打造“创意植物馆”  业余时间,吕锐在小小的玻璃缸里铺了一层培养土,再铺一层小石子,宽叶子的绿萝