
来源 :农民科技培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edwardlj
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我们的眼睛,随着年龄的增长也会发生变化,一般在45岁左右,开始出现近距离工作或阅读困难,这是因为晶状体弹性减弱,睫状体的调节能力下降造成的,医学上称为“老视”,俗称“老花眼”。 在这里,给大家推荐一组眼保健操: 第一节:按揉天应穴(眉毛内侧端下三分),左右大拇指分别按左右穴位,按揉面不要大,节拍八乘八。 第二节:按揉上明穴(眉弓中点下三分)以双大拇 Our eyes, with age will change, usually around the age of 45, began to work close to work or difficulty reading, this is because the lens elasticity weakened, ciliary body regulatory capacity caused by the decline, medically known as “Presbyopia”, commonly known as “presbyopia.” Here, we recommend a group of eye exercises: Section I: rubbing day should point (eyebrows medial end of the third), left and right thumbs by the left and right acupuncture points, according to the dough not big, beat eight by eight. Section II: rubbing Shangming point (eyebrow mid-point three points) with a pair of thumbs