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1997年 6月~ 1998年 9月 ,我院收治了尿道内尖锐湿疣患者 8例 ,均予尿道镜检及病理检查确诊 ,应用电切技术切除全部病灶 ,术后尿道内灌注丙氧鸟苷 ,取得满意疗效 ,随诊未发现复发及尿道狭窄 ,现报告如下 :1 临床资料与方法8例均为男性 ,年龄 2 0~ 52岁 ,平均 31岁 ,职业以司 From June 1997 to September 1998, 8 cases of condyloma acuminatum were admitted to our hospital. All cases were diagnosed by urethral microscopy and pathological examination. All the lesions were resected by electrotome. Intraperitoneal infusion of ganciclovir, Achieved satisfactory results, no recurrence and urethral stricture were found, are reported as follows: 1 Clinical data and methods 8 cases were male, aged 20 to 52 years, mean 31 years, occupational Division
2007年7月,我大学毕业,本来已在曲靖市找了份好工作,但我的女友(也是我的同学)动员我去她的家乡保山市施甸县参加特岗教师考试,经过层层筛选,我被分配到施甸县老麦中学任教。  怀着“为边远山区教育事业贡献自己力量”的理想,我不顾父母的反对,从曲靖踏上开往保山的班车。在那座未知的大山里,等待着我的特岗生活将会是怎样呢?  在去学校的路上,我由开始的兴奋转为期待再转为一言不发。车子在蜿蜒的山路上前进,