因受2006年第4号强热带风暴“碧利斯”的影响,武江流域普降特大暴雨。本次降雨具有降水集中、强度大的特点。本次降雨,乐昌以上流域的雨量站3 d最大降雨量都突破历史记录,由于持续高强度的暴雨,致使武江流域各水文站点水位暴涨,其中乐昌及其以上河段洪水超过有实测资料以来的记录。通过对武江流域06.7洪水过程及其组成分析,对于上下游防汛减灾及水利工程防洪发电调度,尤其是乐昌峡水利枢纽的调度运行具有重要参考价值。
Due to the strong tropical storm No. 4 in 2006, “Bilis” influence, Wujiang River Basin heavy rainfall. This rainfall has the characteristics of precipitation concentration and intensity. Due to the continuous high intensity heavy rainfall, the water level of each hydrological station in Wujiang River surged, in which the flood in Lechang and above reaches more than the measured data Since the record. Through the analysis of 06.7 flood process and its composition in Wujiang River Basin, it has important reference value for flood control and disaster reduction in upstream and downstream, flood control and power generation dispatching in water conservancy project, especially in operation and operation of Lechangxia Hydro Project.