【摘 要】
在常州工业学校,有一位来自宿迁的学生,他就是机电 971班的陈新同学。一样的学习生活,他却有着与其他学生不一样的境况。只要稍加留意,经常可以在门卫室见到他夜间苦读的身影。 他来
在常州工业学校,有一位来自宿迁的学生,他就是机电 971班的陈新同学。一样的学习生活,他却有着与其他学生不一样的境况。只要稍加留意,经常可以在门卫室见到他夜间苦读的身影。 他来自多灾难的农民家庭,97年考取常工校,父亲不甘心儿子的前途因家贫而断送,不顾身单
In Changzhou Industrial School, there is a student from Suqian, he is the mechanical and electrical 971 class Chen students. The same learning life, he has a different situation with other students. As long as a little attention, often in the guard room to see him studying at night. He came from a multi-disastrous peasant family, admitted to a regular school in 1997, and his father could not be reconciled to his son’s future being ruined by his poor family,
“小麦胎里富,基肥是基础。”“基肥金,腊肥银,开春施肥不如人。”都说明基肥对小麦生产的重要性。 总结南北方冬小麦产区施基肥经验,大体有如下三种方法: (1)习惯施肥法。
A theoretical method for investigating the inter-relation between the electronic and molecular structures of 3d3 configuration ions in a tetragonal ligand field
图形的运动有三种方式:平移、翻折、旋转,习惯上分别将它们称为平移变换、对称变换、旋转变换。初学这部分内容,同学们常因观察不仔细,想象不丰富,思考不全面等原因出错。下面我们举例说明。 例1 如图1,4个小三角形的形状与大小都相同,其中可以通过平移三角形ABC而得到的三角形一共有( )。 A.0个 B.1个 C.2个 D.3个 图1 图2 【错解】D。 【错因】有些同学由条
We present a simple method to realize a swap gate at one step with two molecular ensembles in a stripline cavity.In this scheme, we can benefit from the enhance
The article briefly describes the functions
We present a method to monitor the vertical column density (VCD) of atmospheric pollution gases by using the scattered solar radiation. The necessary condition