“Excellent Works of Performing Arts” Editor: Lao Weijiong Xiong Ying Publisher: China Drama Press Publication Date: December 2013 format: Big 16 open page number: 570 pages Word Count: 55 words Price: 80.00 yuan Beijing “Performing Arts” magazine Society in the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the “outstanding arts performance arts articles ” selection activities. From the publication until October 2013, published in the magazine technology or seminar articles, by professional discipline categories, respectively, to establish the first prize, second prize, third prize, a total of 127 outstanding articles. This essay selects the first and second prize articles, the third prize winners and the third prize winners (major essays published in the last five years), and compiles 105 excellent essays, Stage art articles, audio articles, performance venues building articles, musical instruments articles such as the four arrangement.