
来源 :植物营养与肥料学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djlmail
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2006和2007年,在桶栽条件下,以早稻(三系籼型杂交稻金优253)为试材,应用15N示踪技术研究了稻草还田免耕、免耕、稻草还田常耕、常耕4种栽培方式对水稻氮素吸收利用与分配特性的影响。结果表明,1)水稻植株吸收的氮肥数量及其在体内的分配与土壤耕作方式密切相关;免耕提高了水稻对肥料氮的吸收比率及在子粒和根中的分配比率,但降低了在叶和茎中的分配比率。2)免耕水稻产量和氮素吸收总量与常耕水稻差异不显著,但免耕水稻吸收的氮素中来源于肥料的比例比常耕水稻的大;免耕水稻的氮肥回收效率高于常耕水稻,但氮素的稻谷生产效率差异不明显。3)稻草还田对氮肥的吸收利用有显著的影响。免耕条件下,稻草还田降低了基肥和分蘖肥氮素的积累量,增加了穗肥氮素积累量,氮肥总积累量呈下降趋势;常耕条件下,稻草还田提高了各个时期的肥料氮素积累量,氮肥的总积累量增加显著。4)稻草还田提高了免耕水稻和常耕水稻产量,2007年其差异达显著水平。免耕条件下稻草还田降低了氮素的回收效率,但常耕条件下稻草还田提高了氮肥的回收效率。 In 2006 and 2007, under the condition of barley cultivation, early rice (three lines of indica hybrid rice Jinyou 253) was used to study the effects of no-tillage, no-tillage, Effects of Four Cultivation Methods of Conventional Cultivated on N Absorption, Utilization and Distribution of Nitrogen in Rice. The results showed that: 1) The amount of nitrogen fertilizer absorbed by rice plants and its distribution in the soil were closely related to soil tillage practices; no-tillage increased the N uptake rate of rice and its distribution ratio in fertilizers and roots, And stems in the distribution ratio. 2) No significant difference was observed in the yield and total nitrogen uptake of no-till paddy rice compared with that of normal paddy rice, but the percentage of nitrogen from the no-till paddy rice was higher than that of the paddy rice; The nitrogen recovery efficiency of no-till paddy rice was higher than Often cultivated rice, but the nitrogen difference in rice production efficiency is not obvious. 3) Rice straw has a significant impact on the absorption and utilization of nitrogen fertilizer. Under no-tillage conditions, straw returning reduced the accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in basal and tillering, increased nitrogen accumulation in panicle and total nitrogen accumulation decreased. Under the condition of constant tillage, Fertilizer nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen accumulation increased significantly. 4) Straw returning increased the yield of no-till paddy and non-till paddy rice. In 2007, the difference was significant. Under no-till conditions, straw returning reduced the efficiency of nitrogen recovery, but straw returning increased the efficiency of nitrogen recovery under the condition of no-tillage.
根据近10多年来从事水稻光周期敏感核不育研究的经验,对该领域中研究思路和结果的发展与 变化进行了概要地回顾.并根据该领域研究中所出现的新现象和新数据,对长期以来在植物光周
目的研究松果体摘除及补充褪黑素对大鼠胸腺CD4+ CD25+调节性T细胞(Treg细胞)产生、输出及其相关基因叉状头/翅膀状螺旋转录子(Foxp3)表达的影响。方法选用雄性清洁级SD大鼠1
用抑制性消减杂交(SSH)方法研究动物杂种相关基因表达差异.选用北京鸭、法国番鸭及其正反交F1代,以杂种组为处理,亲本组为对照,建立肌肉组织SSH基因文库,随机选取1 000个单克