Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Two Al_xRE_3(Si_(1-y)Al_y)S_7(RE = Sm and Gd) Compounds

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Two new quaternary rare-earth chalcogenides,Al_(0.42)Sm_3(Si_(0.74)Al_(0.26))S_7(1) and Al_(0.38)Gd_3(Si_(0.86)Al_(0.14))S_7(2),have been synthesized by a facile solid-state route with boron as the reducing reagent.They crystallize in the noncentrosymmetric hexagonal space group P6_3,belonging to the Ce_6Al_(3.33)S_(14) structure-type.Their 3-D structures feature 3-D frameworks constructed by RES_8 bicapped trigonal prisms,and Al and Si occupy the octahedral and tetrahedral voids,respectively.Al(2) and Si(1) co-occupying the 2b site and Al(1) partially occupying the 2a site have to be considered for the stability of the structures and charge balances.The Ce_6Al_(3.33)S_(14) structure-type compounds with their rich compositions and traits are discussed.The diffuse reflectance spectrum measurement of 2 indicates that it has an energy gap of 2.13 eV. Two new quaternary rare earth chalcogenides, Al_ (0.42) Sm_3 (Si_ (0.74) Al_ (0.26)) S_7 (1) and Al_ (0.38) Gd_3 (Si_ (0.86) Al_ (0.14)) S_7 synthesized by a facile solid-state route with boron as the reducing reagent. They crystallize in the noncentrosymmetric hexagonal space group P6_3, belongs to the Ce_6Al_ (3.33) S_ (14) structure-type.Their 3-D structures feature 3-D frameworks constructed by RES_8 bicapped trigonal prisms, and Al and Si occupy the octahedral and tetrahedral voids, respectively. Al (2) and Si (1) co-occupying the 2b site and Al (1) partially occupying the 2a site have to be considered for the stability of the structures and charge balances. The Ce_6Al_ (3.33) S_ (14) structure-type compounds with their rich compositions and traits are.The diffuse reflectance spectrum measurement of 2 indicates that it has an energy gap of 2.13 eV.
近日,貴州医科大附属医院启动“全民营养周”活动,该院营养与食品卫生学教研室主任王惠群指出,饮食不健康导致肥胖已经成为了一个世界难题,除了关注成年人肥胖外,儿童肥胖也是个不容忽视的社会问题。儿童怎样算肥胖,怎样为“小胖墩”减重,王惠群提出了自己的看法和建议。  孩子们的肥胖史让人担忧  生活越来越好,我们身边的胖子也越来越多。  “实际上肥胖是万病之源。”王惠群说,从医学的角度看,肥胖已经成为全球性
儿童青少年是世界人口的重要组成部分,心理健康关系到他们正常的发育成长、学习和社交功能。随着人们的生活方式及环境等因素的改变,给人群中最为脆弱的儿童青少年群体带来诸多紧张因素。国内的相关调查结果表明,全国4-16岁儿童青少年心理行为问题的发生率约14%,并呈逐年上升的趋势。因此,关注儿童青少年心理健康意义重大。下面讲述一个“坏”孩子的故事:  从小学三年级开始,他逐渐从一个品学兼优的好学生变成了老师
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