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近年来,随着经济体制的改变,区域经济以及全球经济正逐步发展为一个不可分割的整体,企业的经营发展也不再单一化,而是愈渐朝着多元化的步调迈进。所以在这种多元化的环境之下,我国的企业在人力资源管理上也面临着新的问题与挑战。因此,本文首先就多元化环境之下企业的人力资源管理现状进行概述,其次探讨了在这种环境之下要如何做好人力资源管理的建议措施,旨在为我国企业的管理提供参考。 In recent years, with the change of economic system, the regional economy and the global economy are gradually developing into an indivisible whole. As a result, the business development of enterprises is no longer simple. Instead, it is gradually moving toward diversification. Therefore, in this diversified environment, our country’s enterprises also face new problems and challenges in human resources management. Therefore, this article first summarizes the current situation of human resource management in enterprises under diversified environment, and secondly discusses some suggestions on how to do human resource management in this environment, aiming to provide a reference for the management of Chinese enterprises.
问:有人说孕妇不能吃薏米,因其会导致流产。这种说法有根据吗?  答:孕妇不宜食用薏米,这是因为在一些中医文献中,记载了薏米对孕妇有一定影响。《实用中医学》将薏米列为忌食伤胎之物;《本草经疏》将其列为“妊妇禁用”;《时病论》中记载“清汤之槐花,去寒之姜、桂,利湿之米仁……皆为犯胎之品,最易误投,医者不可不敬俱乎”等。而现代的药理研究表明,薏米油在不同浓度下,对豚鼠的子宫表现出兴奋和抑制的不同作用。但