哈尔滨锅炉厂焊接技师林有盛是全国第一批“五一”劳动奖章获得者之一。他今年46岁,在哈锅厂整整工作了30年。 1958年,16岁的林有盛进厂当上了电焊工。有一次他刚拿起焊接枪,就被别人取走了,还说:“焊接这活可不是闹着玩的,你干不了,快一边看着吧!”这件事对他刺激很大,几十年都忘不了。林有盛开始明白,当个真正的焊工,没有过硬的本领是不行的。他要强,为了学到本领,刻苦钻研,简直着了迷。他兜里揣着一块黑玻璃,只要哪里有弧光闪动,他就停下来弯腰看个明白。功夫不负有心人,出徒时,他技高一筹,被直接定为2级
Harbin Boiler Works welding technician Lin is one of the first “May Day” labor medal winner. He is 46 years old and has worked for 30 years in the factory. In 1958, 16-year-old Lin Sheng came into the factory as a welder. Once he had just picked up the welding gun, he was taken away by someone else and said: “Welding is not a joke, you can not do it, just watch it!” It excited him a lot, Decades can not forget. Lin Sheng started to understand that when a real welder, there is no perfect ability is not enough. He is stronger, in order to learn skills, assiduously, simply fascinated. He had a black glass in his pocket, and as long as there was an arc flashing, he stopped to stooze and see clearly. Kung Fu pays off, out of time, he skill, was directly set at level 2