赵恒煊真是很忙,继《白眉大侠》以后,95年更是片约不断,刚刚拍完二十集电视连续剧《娘要嫁人》后,又接了一部三十集的历史传奇连续剧《御花子》,八月初该剧已在北京开拍。 自己和赵恒煊已是相知甚深的朋友,每次拍戏间隙回家探亲匆匆几日,总会约我到他家谈心,即便是在外拍戏,也经常保持着联系。我所了解的赵恒煊是一个性格憨厚、爽直,而具有顽强意志力、勤奋好学精神和对事业执著追求的人。 94年,赵恒煊因他较为突出的成绩和演技被跳级评为国家二级演员。他从十一岁开始学京剧“武花脸”,然后一直在张家口艺术团工作。跌打滚爬,练就了一身较好的武生功底。84年山东电视台拍摄电视剧《水浒》,导演李振锋来张家口选演员,一眼看
Zhao Heng 煊 really busy, following the “White-browed heroes” after 95 years is about continuous, just finished twenty TV series “Mother to marry”, then took a thirty episode of the historical legendary series “Royal Hanako ”, the show was shot in Beijing in early August. Zhao Heng 自 and myself is a very close friend, each filming back home to visit relatives in a hurry a few days, I will always talk about his talk to his house, even outside the filming, but also keep in touch. I understand that Zhao Heng 煊 is a character simple and honest, straight, but with tenacious willpower, hard-working spirit and persistent pursuit of the cause of the people. 94 years, Zhao Heng 煊 because of his more prominent achievements and acting was jumped as national secondary actors. He studied Beijing opera “Wu Hua Lian” since the age of eleven and has been working in Zhangjiakou Art Troupe. Scratch, climb a better martial arts skills. 84 years of Shandong TV series shooting “Water Margin”, directed by Li Zhenfeng Zhangjiakou actor, a glance