1956年9月,中国共产党第八届全国代表大会召开前夕,时年54岁、身兼中国人民解放军总政治部主任、总干部部部长、政治学院院长等要职的罗荣桓元帅因心绞痛反复发作,担心影响工作,开始考虑辞掉自己在总政和总干的领导职务。 新中国建国之初,作为时值壮年、身居高位的开国元勋,作出辞官让位的选择是很不容易的。但罗帅却有他自己的想法,在考虑这件事情的时候,他曾深情地对夫人林月琴说:“一个人在其位,就得谋其政。你在那个位置上,人家有事情就请示你,你又没有那么多精力去了
In September 1956, on the eve of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, at the age of 54, Marshal Luo Ronghuan, the director of the General Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the Minister of the Central Government, and the president of the Political Science Institute, repeatedly recurred due to angina. Worried about the impact of work, began to consider resigning himself as the leadership of the General Political and Chief Executive positions. At the beginning of the founding of New China, as the founding father of high age and high position, it was not easy to make the choice of resigning. However, Luo Shuai has his own ideas, in considering this matter, he had affectionately said to his wife Lin Yueqin: "a person in its place, they have to seek their cause .You are in that position, people have something Please show you, you are not so much energy to go