北京北分瑞利集团是1997年由原北京分析仪器和原北京第二光学仪器厂改制组建的国有独资公司,是我国分析仪器行业的排头兵。推行厂务公开制度以后,结合北分瑞利集团的实际,我们开展了一些工作。我们的体会和做法是: 一、实行厂务公开是新形势下企业生产力发展的要求 国有企业从吃计划饭到吃市场饭的转变要过两关,一个是市场关,一个是民主关。企业要通过市场制度激励职工群众,通过民主制度团结职工群众。这两项制度搞好了,生产力得以发展,企业得以发展。厂务公开是企业民主制度的一种重要形式,是团结、凝聚职工的重要
Beiliudian Rayleigh Group is a wholly state-owned company established by the former Beijing Analytical Instruments and the former Beijing Second Optical Instrument Factory in 1997, and is the vanguard of China’s analytical instrument industry. After the implementation of the open system of factory affairs, we have carried out some work in light of the actual situation of Rayleigh Group in North Branch. Our experience and practices are: First, the opening of factory affairs is the requirement of the development of productive forces in the new situation The transition of state-owned enterprises from meal planning to market-eating meals requires two levels of clearance: one is market clearance and the other is democratic control. Enterprises should motivate the workers and the masses through the market system and unite the workers and the masses through the democratic system. These two systems are well managed, productivity is developed, and enterprises are developed. The opening of factory affairs is an important form of corporate democracy and an important part of uniting and pooling workers