承前启后 继往开来———纪念福建建筑高等专科学校办学 1 0 6周年李永苍 ( 2 1 )………………………………………更新办学理念 顺应教育发展 实现新的跨越———纪念福建建筑高等专科学校办学 1 0 6周年张建勋 ( 2 5 )………………………………………老树深春更著花——
Carry forward the past and future to open --- to commemorate the founding of Fujian College of Construction 106th anniversary of Li Yongcang (2 1) ............................................. update the concept of running a school education to adapt to the new leap forward --- Memorial Fujian Institute of Construction College 1 0 6 anniversary Zhang Jianxun (2 5) ............................................. The old tree is more flowers in spring -