本刊从 2 0 0 2年起新辟“临床名家谈”专栏 ,特请国内知名专家就读者普遍关心的或一些有争议的问题发表意见 ,进行切蹉。本栏目的宗旨是“百花齐放 ,百家争鸣” ,强调尊重原作者的观点 ,来稿一律不作更动。笔谈不拘形式 ,有利于充分抒发各家特长或独到的经验。敬希广大读者惠予关注 ,能从各位名家发表的经验、宝贵意见中汲取营养。本刊诚挚地期望本栏目的设立能有利于提高我们的医疗质量 ,更好地为患者服务
Since 2002, the magazine has created a new column titled “Clinical Experts’ Talks”, specifically asking famous domestic experts to express their opinions and make some remarks about issues of general concern or some controversial issues. The purpose of this section is “all flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought”, emphasizing respect for the original author’s point of view, the manuscript will not be changed. Colloquial informality is conducive to fully express each specialty or unique experience. We sincerely hope that the readers can give our attention and learn from the experiences and valuable opinions expressed by the famous masters. We sincerely hope that the establishment of this column will help improve the quality of our medical services and better serve our patients