Review of A History of American Life and Thought

来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rechardfeng
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1 Introduction A History of American Life and Thought by Nelson Manfred Blake was published by McGraw-Hill Book Company in 1963.Nelson Manfred Blake,who died in 1996,had been teaching at Syracuse University in the United States.His research interests focused on American history,life,and thoughts.From my point of view,the book is of great value with 1 Introduction A History of American Life and Thought by Nelson Manfred Blake was published by McGraw-Hill Book Company in 1963. Nelson Manfred Blake, who died in 1996, had been teaching at Syracuse University in the United States. His research interests focused on American history, life, and thoughts. From my point of view, the book is of great value with
摘要:钢琴的素有“乐器之王”美育,其中一个重要的原因就是钢琴有着强大和深刻的音乐表现力,在这种表现力的带动下,从而使演奏出的声音更加深入人心。然而在高校的钢琴教学中,一直以来都存在着一个误区,即过分重视技术的练习和提高,忽视了音乐表现力的培养,这是不符合全面发展要求的。对此,文章结合教学实践,就如何提高校学生钢琴演奏中的音乐表现力,进行了初步的思考。  关键词:高校钢琴教学;音乐表现力;建议和思考