在世纪之交这一我国新闻出版事业改革发展的关键时期 ,2000年全国新闻出版局长会议于1月21日—23日在北京召开。会议以江泽民总书记及中央其他领导同志有关批示与讲话精神为指针 ,在回顾和总结1999年新闻出版工作的基础上 ,对具有为新世纪奠基意义的2000年新闻出版工作进行了周密部署。同往年一样 ,本刊将有关领导的重要讲话摘要编发 ,旨在使业界更好地认清形势 ,明确任务 ,做好今年的各项工作。
At the crucial juncture of the reform and development of China’s press and publication undertaking at the turn of the century, the 2000 National Press and Publication Bureau meeting was held in Beijing from January 21 to January 23. Based on the instructions and speeches of General Secretary Jiang Zemin and other leading comrades of the Central Government, the meeting reviewed and summarized the press and publication work in 1999 and carried out a careful deployment of the press and publication work for 2000 that laid the foundation stone for the new century. As in previous years, we published a summary of the important speeches made by the leaders in order to make the industry better understand the situation, clarify the tasks and do a good job in this year’s work.