
来源 :黑龙江中医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdelphi
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八法中和法应用最广,但用而不当者亦不少。故著名老中医蒲辅周曾告诫说:“和而勿滥”。很值得我们注意。如何才能不滥用和法?我认为,首先要明确和法的含义、病理基础与组方特点,其次可以观摩《金匮要略》中运用和法的范例。下面分别谈谈这几个方面的问题。和法的含义与病理基础什么叫和法?尽管人们对此歧义颇多,却公认桂枝汤与小柴胡汤是和的祖方。那么,我们的讨论不妨从这里开始。《伤寒论》387条云:“宜桂枝汤小和之”,53条又说:“营卫和则愈,宜桂枝汤。”所以后 The eight-nation method is the most widely used method, but there are also many misuses. Therefore, the famous old Chinese herbalist Pu Fu Zhou once warned: “And not abuse.” It is worth our attention. How can we not abuse the law? In my opinion, we must first clarify the meaning of the law, the pathological basis, and the characteristics of the composition. Second, we can observe the example of the application and the law in the “Golden Chamber Outline.” Let’s talk about these issues separately. What is the meaning and the pathological basis of law and law? What is the name and method? Although people have a lot of ambiguity, it is generally accepted that Guizhitang and Xiaochaihutang are the ancestors of Hehe. Well, we can start our discussion here. “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” 387 cloud: “Yi Guizhi Tang Xiaohezhi”, 53 also said: “The Ying Wei and Yu Yu, Yi Gui Zhi Tang.” So after
鸡蛋花(Plumeira acuminata)系夹竹桃科乔木,分布于亚、澳两洲、各国传统医学用治哮喘,皮肤病、间歇热、水肿和牙痛等症。本文报道鸡蛋花叶的水溶性提取物的药理作用。取鲜
天然的虫草真菌Cordyceps sinensis(Berk.)Sacc.菌丝侵入蝙蝠科昆虫蝙蝠蛾(Hepialus armoricanus ober.)幼虫体内,当年使虫体充满菌丝而死亡,第二年春天子座长出地面,地下部
本文继第一报将12种药用金银花的鉴定研究发表后,再报道西南忍冬Lonicera bournei Hemsl.等8种金银花花蕾的鉴定研究。 Following the publication of the first report on
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。袋子装得太满就扎不住了@天呈 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. The
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