从云南省曲靖的马雄山起源,穿越滇、黔、桂、粤,在草木葱茏的南国土地上蜿蜒跌宕,一泻千里,最终气势磅薄地注入南海——这就是90米中国画长卷《锦绣珠江图》描绘的壮美图景。 广州山水画研究学会几十名山水画家,为了实现心目中书写现代珠江的宏愿,3次自费深入珠江流域采风,行程3000多公里,横跨广东、广西、贵州、云南四省区,历时一年多时间,挑灯伏案,数易其稿,最终完成这幅鸿篇巨带。在长卷创作过程中,20多位画家将个人智慧融为一体,既充分发挥各人的优势,又在整体构图、色
From the origins of Maxiong Mountain in Qujing, Yunnan Province, through Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Guangdong, it winds its way up and down in the lush southern land of China and plunges into the South China Sea. This is the 90-meter Chinese scroll, Depicting the magnificent picture. In order to realize the ambition of writing the modern Pearl River in the mind, dozens of landscape painters of Guangzhou Landscape Society have spent more than 3,000 kilometers at their own expense to visit the Pearl River valley for over one year and travel over four years in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces. Time, pick the lamp case, the number of easy draft, and ultimately completed this gigantic band. In the scroll creation process, more than 20 painters will personal wisdom into one, not only give full play to each person’s advantages, but also in the overall composition, color