今天是“五四”青年节,我要给同学们讲的概括起来就是人才、事业、奉献。1 人才是决定事业成败的关键学校是培养人才的地方,青年学生正是人才形成的关键时期。人才对事业成败、兴旺与否起决定性作用。近些年来,人们对人才的问题喊得很多,但真正提到应有的高度来认识还远远不够。前年,我参加了“二十一世纪人力资源开发与利用国际研讨会”。会上,许多专家和外国学者对人才问题看得很高。有的认为:“二十一世纪最白热化的搏杀是对人才的竞
Today is the “May 4th” Youth Day. What I want to give my classmates is talent, career and dedication. A talent is the key to determining the success or failure of the school School is to cultivate talent, young students is the critical period for the formation of talent. Talent plays a decisive role in the success or failure of a business. In recent years, people have shouted loudly about the issue of talent, but it is far from enough to truly refer to the height that should be accorded. Two years ago, I participated in the “International Symposium on Human Resource Development and Utilization in the 21st Century.” At the meeting, many experts and foreign scholars on the talent problem is very high. Some think: "The most intense fighting in the 21st century is a competitive talent