1972年,我刚好十岁。 那时父亲特别喜欢书法,而且已经写得挺好。父亲爱好书法,于是也“逼”我练字。十岁的我开始了学书生涯。其实练习写字是极其枯燥的,完全没有愉快的感觉,尤其对如我这样好动、贪玩的人来说,每天还要完成父亲布置的作业,更是倍感痛苦。有时一不小心贪玩未能完成作业,或是完成的质量不高,肯定是要受到皮肉之苦的,为了减少这皮肉之苦,我就尽可能写得好一些,以获得父亲难得的一两句表扬。如此这样几年下来,我的字还真长进了许多,在同龄的孩子中算是较好的。后来有些朋友问我如何练好书法的,我只好回答是被打出来的。 等到我稍大一些的时候,渐渐地真对书法产生了兴趣,每天自觉地钻到字帖堆里,写唐楷,写魏碑,写汉隶等等,都已经是颇感快乐了。和父亲的交流也不再是打与被打了。当时令我难忘的是曾得到省内一位著名书法家的指点,他充分地肯定了我写的字,(其实现在看并不好),可给了我极大的自信心,这或许是这位先生培养学生的高明处吧。如今我也教学生写字,面对学生的缺点,我也尽可能地不批评,多鼓励,使学生有继续做下去的信心和勇气。
In 1972, I was just ten years old. At that time, my father loved calligraphy very much and had written well. My father loved calligraphy, so I also “forced” my practice. Ten years old I started my school career. In fact, practicing and writing is extremely boring, and there is no feeling of pleasure at all. Especially for those who are agile and playful, I have to finish my father’s homework every day, which is even more painful. Sometimes carelessly play failed to complete the homework, or to complete the quality is not high, must be suffering from flesh and blood, in order to reduce the pain of this flesh, I write as much as possible to get a rare father Two praise. Such a few years so, my word really grow a lot, among children of the same age is better. Later, some friends asked me how practicing calligraphy, I had to answer is beaten out. When I was a bit older, I became really interested in calligraphy. Every day I consciously got drilled in the copybook heap, wrote Tang Kai, wrote the Weibei script, wrote the Han scriptures, and so on, all of which are quite happy. Communication with my father is no longer played and was beaten. What made me unforgettable at that time was getting guidance from a famous calligrapher in the province who fully affirmed what I wrote, which is not good at all, which gives me great confidence, perhaps This gentleman fosters students’ wisdom. Nowadays, I also teach students writing. In the face of the shortcomings of students, I also try my best not to criticize or encourage more students to have confidence and courage to continue doing so.