输电线路覆冰灾害及其预防措施已成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。在输电线路及绝缘子防冰措施的研究中,利用表面材料对绝缘子表面进行修饰,使绝缘子表面具有发热、超疏水等特性,减缓甚至阻止过冷却水滴在绝缘子表面冻结的研究思路引起了许多学者的兴趣。基于电热型防冰涂料,提出了一种具有"开断效应"的绝缘子涂层防冰结构,即将半导体硅橡胶涂覆于绝缘子底部,绝缘子上表面不作涂覆,利用过冷却水滴与涂层形成的回路产生焦耳热进行防冰。在实验室中分别对洁净绝缘子和具有开断结构的涂层绝缘子进行了防冰对照试验,试验结果表明:具有开断结构的涂层绝缘子均具有较好的防冰效果,同时能够最大程度地减小能耗;应用具有"开断效应"半导体涂层的绝缘子防冰方法具有良好的实验室防冰效果,涂层的稳定性、耐候性以及配置方式将是以后研究工作的重点。“,”Icing disaster of transmission line and its prevention has become an important and hot problem.A lot of research showed that surface coatings could prevent surpercooled water droplet freezing on the substrates.A new method for anti-icing used for glazed on insulators was proposed based on the thermal method in this paper.Semiconducting silicone rubber(SIR) was painted on the bottom of the insulator without coating on the upper surface.The conductive path was formed when the surpercooled water or droplet covers the area of no coating.And the power loss was limited when there was no precipitation,which was called "switch-off effect".The heat and discharge generated by the leakage current would melt the original ice on the insulator surface.The performance of the insulator string with this kind of coating under freezing rain condition was compared with the string without any coating.Through the analysis and experiment,the method was proved to be effective for anti-icing;while the stability,anti-aging property and configuration should be the focus of further researches.