2001年12月7日 ,由云南省科技厅主持 ,邀请省、市、县农业、科技和水产界20多位专家 ,对陆良县水产站担纲的省科技厅“九五”重点科研项目“陆良鲇鱼人工繁殖及配套技术研究”进行验收暨专家鉴定会。陆良鲇鱼是南盘江流域濒危鱼种 ,曾是云南名鱼 ,现为陆良四大主产经?
December 7, 2001, chaired by the Science and Technology Department of Yunnan Province, invited provinces, cities and counties in agriculture, science and technology and aquaculture sector more than 20 experts on the Luliang County Fisheries Station featuring the Provincial Science and Technology Department “Ninth Five-Year” key scientific research projects “ Luliang catfish artificial reproduction and supporting technology ”for acceptance and expert appraisal meeting. Luliang catfish is a species of endangered species in the Nanpanjiang River Basin, was a famous fish in Yunnan, is now Luliang four main production?