
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxzshenzhen
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发展农村经济要依靠医疗卫生保驾·农民自筹卫生投入是当前保驾的主要出路,要引起农村卫生工作者们的重视。陈敏章说:农民自筹卫生投人不能算是“负担” 刘中一说:发展农村经济要依靠医疗卫生保驾本报讯(记者邓雨珍)2月17日上午,卫生部和农业部领导一起座谈农村卫生工作中的有关问题,对乡村医生报酬、合作医疗资金筹集以及初级卫生保健达标等间题取得了共识。 The development of the rural economy depends on medical and health protection, and the farmers’ self-provisioning of health investment is the main way out of current protection. It is necessary to arouse the attention of rural health workers. Chen Minzhang said: Farmers’ self-financing health investment can not be regarded as “burden” Liu Zhongyi said: The development of the rural economy depends on medical and health (Reporter Deng Yuzhen) On the morning of February 17, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture together Discuss related issues in the rural health work and reached consensus on issues such as rural doctor’s remuneration, cooperative medical fundraising and primary health care compliance.
在日本药学会第117次年会上,曾报告在板兰根中发现了体内、外显示抗流感病毒(IFV)活性的糖蛋白,此次又发现板兰根可增强抗IFV抗体活性,故对其活性成分进行分析。 At the 11
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古希腊人创造的文化教育,曾奠定了近现代欧洲文化教育发展的基础.本文介绍了古代雅典教育的目的、教学过程、内容和方法,并分析了古代雅典教育的特点. The cultural educati
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Objective: To observe the effects of Xin’an capsule (XAC) on experimental ventricular arrhythmia (EVA) in animals and to explore the possible mechanism. Metho