手记是一种独特的文体。它精致、简短,随意记下的片言只语,似乎漫不经心,却闪耀作者智慧的光辉、思想的深邃、观察的细致以及感觉的灵气。高尔基形容契诃夫的手记是美丽的精致的花边,是经过深刻地提炼后的产物。契诃夫写手记持之以恒,他常常用一句话记下自己对人物的观察,或者突然闪出的思想,在后来的小说戏剧创作中,这些手记就成为他所借鉴的素材。《爱情篇》和《婚姻篇》译自英国研究西班牙文学的著名学者杰拉尔德·布瑞南(Gerald Brenan)的《枯季思絮》。作者采取手记的形式,分别列章对文学、艺术、宗教、人生、自然等作了生动的阐发。布瑞南与契诃夫不同,手记的思辨成分甚于描述,这一点更接近于歌德。
Notes is a unique style. Its exquisite, short, casual tautologies seem casual, yet shine upon the brilliant wisdom of the author, the deep thought, the careful observation and the aura of feeling. Gorky described Chekhov’s notes are beautiful and delicate lace, is a product of profound refinement. Chekhov writers persevere, he often used one sentence to write down their own observation of characters, or a sudden flash of ideas, later in the novel creation, these notes become his reference material. “Love articles” and “Marriage articles” translated from the British study of Spanish literature Gerald Brenan, a famous scholar of the “dry season thinkings.” The author takes the form of notes and makes a vivid elucidation of literature, art, religion, life and nature through separate chapters. Brennan is different from Chekhov. The speculative content of the notes is even more than the description, which is closer to Goethe.