陕县位于豫西丘陵山区,水资源匮乏。工业、城市的快速发展使寻找可靠、足量、优质水源这个问题迫在眉睫,也给全县水利事业带来了更多的机遇和更大的挑战。机遇在于开发大量的工农业及城镇生活用水,挑战在于水资源的储备、保护和分配。1水资源基本状况陕县拥有国土资源面积1609.8 km2,作为陕县工农业及城镇生活用水集中的陕县西区占776.97 km2。1952-1995年年加
Shanxian is located in the hilly area of western Henan, lack of water resources. The rapid development of industry and cities has made it extremely urgent to find a reliable, sufficient and high-quality water source. It has also brought more opportunities and greater challenges to the water conservancy project in the county. The challenge is to develop a large amount of water for industrial, agricultural and urban living. The challenge lies in the reserve, protection and distribution of water resources. 1 Basic situation of water resources Shan County has an area of 1609.8 km2 of land and resources, as the Shanxian West District, where industrial, agricultural and urban household water are concentrated, accounts for 776.97 km2.1952-1995